Olives New Zealand

Record Entry for NZ EVOO Awards – updated

September 19, 2016

A record entry of 138 has been received for the 2016 NZ EVOO Awards – 119 EVOO and 19 Flavoured!

The international judges are Reni Hildenbrand from South Africa, Georges Feghali from Lebanon, Robert Harris from Germany/Australia, Debbie Worgan from Australia along with New Zealand judges Rachel Priestley from Greytown and Rachel Costello from Nelson. Judging will take place in Auckland the first week of October with major awards of Best in Show, Best Boutique in Show, Best Flavoured Oil in Show, Best Processor and Best Label in addition to Gold, Silver and Bronze awards. The results will be announced at the NZ Extra Virgin Olive Oil Awards Dinner to be held at Parliament on Saturday 15th October.

The New Zealand Extra Virgin Olive Oil Awards are the premier olive oil competition in New Zealand, requiring all Extra Virgin entries to have been certified as such by the International Olive Oil Council Laboratory in Australia and all the judges to have been trained to the International Olive Council standard.

One response to “Record Entry for NZ EVOO Awards – updated”

  1. John & Margaret Edwards says:

    Dear Gayle
    Great to see that there are 117 extra virgin olive oils entered into the awards this year.

    However, you will be interested to know that in 2008 (when there was not a category for flavoured oils) the total number of extra virgin olive oils entered into the awards was 127.

    For your records, the entries in previous years were:
    2004: 104
    2005: 56
    2006: 91
    2007: 104

    John and Margaret Edwards

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