Olives New Zealand

Welcome to Olives New Zealand

Olives New Zealand provides olive growers with support and information to help them produce premium quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) and olive products. Read more…

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Noble Estate

Noble Estate is a boutique olive grove on the Kapiti Coast and is situated on the sun-drenched slopes overlooking the sea at Waikanae. The Coast enjoys a moderate climate well suited to olives.

The grove was established in 1996 and first production was in 2002. We have near 400 trees with our main variety being Mission, not very common in New Zealand – it is of Californian origin. We also have Frantoio trees, and we produce two single varietal oils.

Since that year we have produced delicious buttery, fruity, grassy oil and in recent years have consistently won medals in the Olives NZ Awards. We have our oils certified through Olives NZ Certification programme which ensures we are producing premium Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

Contacts: Tricia & Rob Noble-Beasley


Mark of Integrity

The OliveMark® guarantees 100% New Zealand Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

More about certification

Simply the Best!

Olives New Zealand promotional DVD on why New Zealand Certified Extra Virgin Olive Oil is Simply the Best is now available!

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