The Olives NZ Conference is scheduled for Saturday 15th October, with the NZ EVOO Awards Dinner on the Saturday evening and followed by an Assessment Seminar on the Sunday, run by our international Head Judge Reni Hildenbrand from South Africa.
Conference 2016 has the same title as the Olives New Zealand Sustainable Farming Fund Project – “Increasing the Market Share for NZ EVOO”. Following on from a bumper harvest in most regions the challenges are taking up the opportunities to grow markets for NZ EVOO and maintaining the level of production to service the evolving markets.
There will be two main focuses at Conference – the morning will be looking at marketing initiatives and the afternoon looking at addressing issues facing olive growers in the Southern Hemisphere, followed by presentation of the NZ EVOO Awards medals.
There is an excellent line-up of speakers as follows.
The Panel will be made up of three Focus Grove participants, two international guest (Reni Hildenbrand from South Africa and Jim Rowntree from South Australia) and New Zealand’s pioneer olive grower – Mike Ponder. WOW!!!
Conference 2016 will be held at the James Cook Hotel and a block of rooms have been booked at a competitive rate of $160 per night.
The Conference Weekend Programme and Registration form are now available: