Olives New Zealand is offering a two day seminar on “How Processing Practice impacts on Quality (e.g. Gold medals) and Quantity” in Auckland on Thursday 7th – Friday 8th April 2016. Early notice now means out of towners can book their flights at best possible rates!
“Processing Practice” will focus on how best practice processing will give you the best quality and quantity of oil from your olives. This course is an absolute must for everyone who grows olives and produces Extra Virgin Olive Oil, as well anyone with an olive press or looking to buy one.
How processing practices impact on the quality and quantity of the product produced is a hot topic for everyone in the olive industry. Particularly with anecdotal advice from members being that winning Gold medals is a major differentiator is selling their oil at a reasonable price.
The course will be led by Pablo Canamasas with the first day being a formal course at the Jet Park Airport Hotel and the second day being hands-on at Wells Grove Estate, Whitford.
Book your flights and register now
For more information and the registration form
2016 Processing Practice 2