The Olive Trading Company is a contract supplier of Certified New Zealand Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
Also offering other services to the olive industry such as grove management and harvesting.
Contact Johno Smith for more information.
Ph: 027 222 1718
River Estate olive grove, located on the banks of the Turanga River in Whitford. We are on the rural outskirts of Auckland, 30 minutes driving time from both the centre of Auckland City, and Auckland’s International Airport. River Estate is a single estate producer, which means that we grow and cold press all our olive oils on site. Visitors can view all the equipment and grove, and take part in oil tasting in the press house.
We have a selection of Award winning olive oils from the seven different varieties we grow. The harvesting season is usually May to June, with variety origins from Greece, Italy, Spain and Nth Africa. Following best farming practises, our farming policy is ‘spray free’ within the grove.
To visit please phone 09 5309180 to make an appointment.
Ph: 09 5309180