Flaxbourne Olive Oil’s property is for sale in Ward, Marlborough. The house, olive grove and hazelnut orchard lay on 3.84ha (approx 9.5 acres) property. For more information please follow this link https://rwblenheim.co.nz/properties/rural/marlborough-district/ward-7248/lifestyle-property/3193614
Isobel Olives business is for sale and 90 olive trees for lease in Marlborough. Isobel Olives is a boutique business focusing on the premium market with gold-awarded certified extra virgin olive oils. The grove is managed using organic and biodynamic principles to produce outstanding quality oils which are certified as extra virgin olive oils and awards from Olives NZ. This business would suit someone with drive and entrepreneurial skills to further develop services for growers who need someone to prune and harvest. Further information is available by contacting Dr Chris Piper on 0274985404 or by email chris@piper.gen.nz.